

Buy Bearz here:

a product by forest x lady labs, 2024©

About Us Bearz: (420-69)

Bearzwifgunz n shit
Call 1-800-420-69
The most underground community driven
P2P UTXO based memecoin, no presale, stealth-launched onto the Alephium network with no instrinsic value with ve(3,3) super powers.

The team at bearzwifgunz have contributed to protocols such as Velocimeter, TangibleDAO, LandX Finance, Balance Capital, in the past on neighbouring EVM chains such as Fantom, Polygon, Arbitrum, and Ethereum.
Specializing in areas such as maximizing capital efficiency, binary options, ve(3,3), RWA, concentrated liquidity strategies, treasury management and commodity tokenization.
Bearzwifgunz saw an opportunity to build and bring life to DeFi on Alephium in a fragmented EVM environment and bring some of that innovation to this unique sharded PoLW chain.
Bearzwifgunz was born as a Alephium Mascot disguised as yield vehicle, a memecoin with ve(3,3) super powers.
Bearzwifgunz will utilize DeFi strategies in the form of ve(3,3) protocols bringing capital efficiency allowing the Bearz community to LP to earn rewards in the form of native DEX emissions, fees, and bribes. 420-69 style.

The Bearz Vision:
Supply, Treasury Management, 420Vision.

Current liquidity:
50% Protocol Owned Liquidity
50% Community provided Liquidity
420,690,690 million supply
60% Initial Supply
40% for staking, exchange listings, bribes, burns, marketting, incentives.

As Alephium scales we hope to see more yield products such as ve(3,3) protocols that encourage stablecoin liquidity to flow to Alephium. Voter based emissions for their favourite LPs (Liquidity Pools) which enable users to either lock their native token rewards for voting power or keep the ve(3,3) token liquid.
This will allow bearz liquidity providers to earn in the form of fees, native DEX emissions, and protocol bribes for emissions when voting on their favourite LP Pair.
We will utilize part of the treasuries initial protocol owned liquidity to deepen liquidity for the native Bearz + ALPH LP incentivize LPs from treasury Bearz holdings, and bribe LPs for community provided LPs.
Bearz holders in future will have a place to park there Bearz LP and earn rewards + emissions + fees.
Bearz will deploy concentrated liquidity & LP strategies, once a protocol of this nature is live on Alephium for all holders of Bearz to participate and gain their share of voting power to participate and vote for the native Bearz LP for bribes, fees, and native protocol emissions.

Contact Us + Join Us Bearz

Get in contact with bearzwifgunz if you are interested in a partnership or becoming a long-term liquidity partner or want to contribute to bearzwifgunz

Thank You

a product by forest x lady labs, 2024.